The situation of Syrian women on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The situation of Syrian women on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Under the auspices of the United Nations, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is commemorated annually by the nations of the world on 25 November, followed by the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, the combat against which is considered a priority for human rights, gender equality and public health.
The United Nations Women’s Organization, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), annually produces data collected after comprehensive studies on the prevalence of violence against women, and this year the data revealed that one in three women in their lifetime experience physical or sexual violence.
Research also indicates that one out of five women refugees or displaced women is subjected to sexual violence, while two out of three women reported experiencing or experienced a form of violence and were highly vulnerable to food insecurity, according to data from 13 countries since the beginning of the Corona pandemic.
With this month’s “let’s orange the world to end violence against women now.” more than 3700 organizations are participating in the 30th 16-Day Campaign to End Violence against Women, where participants from United Nations organizations, activists and agencies seek to prevent and respond to violence against women and children.
Thousands of Syrian women have been killed and forcibly disappeared in the past ten years
Over the past 10 years of the war, Syrian women have been subjected to the consequences of murder, displacement, arbitrary, and forced detention.
In a report documented by the Syrian Network for Human Rights on violations against women and girls in Syria from the first day of the outbreak of war to the present day, 28,618 women have been killed by the parties to the conflict.
Ninety-three women were killed under torture during that period, while more than 10,628 women remain under arrest and enforced disappearance to date, 78% of whom are the responsibility of regime forces. The report stated that in holding women, they did not consider any considerations of their nature or needs and treated them as male detainees.
Women in prison were suffering with the lack of proper health care, especially since a number of them had been arrested with their children or were pregnant. According to the report, 152 cases of mothers arrested with their children had been recorded, 89 births of women in detention centers 7 of those children had died owing to lack of health and food care.
Despite international laws and Security Council resolutions providing for respect for the rights of women and children, the Syrian regime has not respected those laws, which are classified as crimes against humanity committed by the regime against women, such as murder, torture, rape, in addition to the cruel treatment and assault on personal dignity.
Risks facing women in the Syrian north
Over 10 years, the tragedy in Syria continues to weigh heavily on women, where women experience the bitterness of living in the north of Syria, especially in the areas of the camps, which house at least 453 thousand and 829 women, including 13 thousand and 119 without a breadwinner, where there are thousands of stories of dangers and difficulties.
At the forefront of the threats and violence faced by women in the Syrian north are the dangers of Constant bombardment by regime forces and Russia. on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Russian aircraft killed a woman by air raid while working in picking olives on the outskirts of the village of Maar Tabi’i, south of Idlib.
With the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic in the north of Syria and the economic hardship resulting from the high prices, the suffering of women increased, especially the female breadwinner, who became unable to secure the necessities of daily life, so many of them had to work with hard labor that did not suit them and enter the labor market, which exposed them to physical and psychological problems.
In addition, many Syrian girls in northern Syria, in light of the difficult economic conditions and the circumstances of the war, face many problems, such as early marriage under the age of eighteen, which makes them vulnerable to dropping out of education, family problems, health problems, and psychological pressures.
After all those Syrian women have suffered, the international community must take full responsibility for protecting and caring for Syrian women, seeking to secure all their requirements, and supporting efforts to continue the flow of humanitarian aid to the camps of northern Syria, as they are the most vulnerable point in Syria.
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