A comprehensive package of 1,000 teachers and 25 principals in northern Syria

The damage inflicted on the education sector in northern Syria has not only been limited to educational buildings and facilities, even the interruption of the basic education of thousands of children, but has also exceeded and reached the weakness of the education instructors in teaching methods and information presentation. It is in line with the painful reality of Syrian students in northern Syria.
İn response to the urgent need, Violet starts a training project for thousands of teachers:
Violet organization has started a training project targeting 1,000 teachers and 25 principals in northern Syria with the aim of contributing to supporting children’s access to comprehensive and high-quality education opportunities, in addition to improving the level of education in northern Syria by raising the competencies and capacity-building of teachers and school administrators in accordance with INEE standards of Minimum Education in Emergencies to enhance the quality of education.
The trainings were applied in 7 different complexes according to geographical distribution, which are Idlib, Jericho, Harem, Al-Dana, Maarat Misrin, Jisr Al-Shughur, and the northern Syrian camps, for a period of 10 days for each one, with an average of 40 training hours for each trainee.
Various titles included in the exercises:
The training includes various sessions, the most important of which are the training of the school principal, training of classroom and school principal, dealing with psychological stress, teacher training includes effective communication skills, in addition to teacher training in crisis contexts and instilling ethical values that would help the teacher simplify information and present it to students in a way that suits their mental abilities and needs.
The training included the presence of 7 training titles, 4 of which are for teachers and 3 for school principals, in addition to providing each teacher with a training bag with printed manuals as an academic reference for them along with an attested certificate of attendance upon completion of all training sessions.
A painful reality experienced by teachers in northern Syria:
The report “Schools in the North Syrian Camps” which was issued by the Support Coordination Unit 2021 indicates the number of teachers in the camps covered by the study, which are 2,333 teachers and schools, constituted 45% females of the total teachers, while males constituted 55%, the largest percentage (88 %) of teachers are regular teachers, that is, they graduated from colleges and institutes with a certificate of practicing the profession, while 12% practiced the profession due to the lack of cadres.
The report showed that 55% of non-formal teachers obtained their degrees from universities and institutes that were not specialized in education.
The study conducted opinion surveys with school principals to evaluate the teaching performance of teachers, where 63% of the principals reported that their schools do not have non-formal teachers, while 48% of principals reported that the teaching performance of non-formal teachers is good, and 5% of them reported that the level of non-formal teachers is average. .
A large hole caused by the lack of educational cadres in northern Syria, as many principals resorted to hiring non-specialist teachers to remedy the need and the continuation of the educational process, especially with the displacements in northern Syria, which doubled the number of children left behind in school, and in response to this need to develop teachers, an organization Violet has worked since mid-May 2022 on the starting of this training sessions because effective education is a right for every child.
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